Laetiporus Couscous

This recipe approximates a sweet Moroccan-style couscous using Laetiporus sulphureus to provide a slightly tart counterpoint and a chicken-like texture. The recipe would also work with B. edulis, A. augustus or other mushrooms, but other species would not have the firm texture of the sulphur shelf.

Sauté the egglpant, onions, laetiporus and cumin in a deep frying pan with a bit of oil, for about 5 minutes until the mushrooms lose their liquid. Stir 1 Tbsp. honey into 1/2 cup hot chicken broth, and pour over the sauté. Add the oregano, cinnamon and coriander, and reduce until most of the liquid is gone and a sticky consistency is obtained. Meanwhile you should be steaming the couscous.

Mix 1/2 cup water into the couscous, and let sit for 10 minutes. Place a cheesecloth or clean cotton towel in a collander, and spoon the moistened couscous onto the cloth. Place the collander with cloth and cuscous into a large pot with one inch of boiling water at the bottom, cover the pot and steam for 10 minutes. Remove from the pot, and spread the cuscous out onto a baking sheet, breaking up the clumps with your fingers. With your fingers, mix in the olive oil, a bit of salt and pepper, and the shredded carrot. Return to the cheesecloth and place back in the pot for an additional 10 minutes of steaming. Remove and combine the couscous with the sautéed eggplant and laetiporus, raisins and almonds. If desired for presentation, reserve a bit of almond, raisin and carrot shavings to sprinkle over the top of the couscous before serving.